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Reconciliation Monday 2022

Steve Auth

April 4, 2022 | a Missionary | NYC Missions

For over a decade Steve Auth (aka The Missionary of Wall Street) and his wife Evelyn have been leading sidewalk missions at the Basilica in SoHo. This may be the world’s simplest and highest-yielding apostolate, with the lowest barrier to entry: we approach folks and ask them if they would like to go to Confession. The amazing grace of it is that many say yes even while most say no. Many souls accept the invitation to reconcile with God after years or a lifetime away from the sacrament. I’ve done a number of apostolic things in my life but this is like no other for effectiveness.

It takes a little bit of courage to walk up to people but after a few, it gets easy and natural. You just decide to love everyone beforehand, and God does the rest. We get to watch and even participate in miracles, one after the other. Sign up to be a missionary. This year, Cardinal Dolan asked Steve and Evelyn to host a sidewalk mission at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, on Reconciliation Monday, April 11. The rector of the Cathedral, Fr. Enrique Salvo, and his colleagues and staff, are generously facilitating and welcoming missionaries (that’s us!) to help them invite souls to Confession.

You probably had no plans to do anything like this next Monday, and it would mean a sacrifice. But before making a snap decision, please say a quick prayer and ask God if He is calling you to join us, at least this one time. If you doubt you have what it takes, remember the old saying, God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called.

If you would like to come, I ask only one thing: please let me know ASAP.

We have a one-hour training session on Zoom lead by Steve and Evelyn on Wednesday, April 6 at 8:30 PM. Here is the link: []

The mission is at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Monday, April 11. We will gather downstairs under the altar at 1 PM and will invite souls inside and outside the Cathedral to Confession till about 8 PM. You don’t have to commit to the whole time, just give us what hours you can.

I look forward to hearing from you and wish you all a fruitful remaining Lent and a joyous Easter.

In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Doug Dewey

PS: Here is a news story from a Mission we did at St. Patrick’s Cathedral before Christmas 2017:

And a story in Catholic New York, from 2018: PPS: If you know someone you would like to invite, please give me their name, they will be welcome!



Steve Auth serves as chief investment officer of Federated Global Equities and has led New York City street missions for ten years at Old St. Patricks in SoHo and across the city. 


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