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Holy Wednesday Virtual Quarantine Challenge: "Hail Mary, Full of Grace"

Steve Auth

Mission in the Cloud.  Mary has been a big part of our mission this year, as always.  She’s with us every day now as meditate on the Memorare for our soulmate from a previous mission, and reading the stories from yesterday’s phone calls to the lonely and isolated, she was clearly present there as well.  In my case, I called a cousin I had not spoken to in over two years, not out of malice but maybe worse, out of neglect.  She’s alone in an assistant care facility.  We had such a joyful, wonderful chat.  It actually made my day.  When we give with the all-in spirit of our Blessed Mother, we always get back more love.

Today’s challenge is a neighborhood rosary.  The idea is to call up your neighbors, and suggest they join you at sunset for a rosary on each’s front lawn, or on the porch of your apartments.  Let’s all pray for Mary’s intercession tonight, for the victims of the Corona, the health care workers trying to save them, and for the speedy delivery of our country and our world from this plague.  Mary has stepped up before, and she will again.

If you didn’t get to yesterday’s challenge, don’t worry.  There are four more days in Holy Week.  And if you did, and realize how good it is to do, I’m challenging you to double down and do a few more such calls before the week is out.  We all have souls in our extended lives who could use a phone call, a little love.

A Missionary



Steve Auth serves as chief investment officer of Federated Global Equities and has led New York City street missions for ten years at Old St. Patricks in SoHo and across the city. 


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