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Holy Thursday Virtual Quarantine Challenge: "Servanthood"

Steve Auth

Dear Fellow Cloud Missionaries,

Thank you for praying the rosary together yesterday.  I know everyone tried to do so with your families or neighbors.  Many of us were with Fathers Mark and Jason for their daily 6:00 pm rosary, which Evelyn and I joined as well.  (Just found out about it in the cloud!  Re-starts again (daily) on Easter Monday.)  The fruit of that rosary for me was the blog post this morning, “The Light at the End of the Tunnel.”

Today’s challenge is to do some special act of charity for someone in the household today. It has to be above and beyond whatever you’ve been doing, and maybe for the member you’ve been most neglectful of.  You all know who that is.  Today, we all need to practice washing each other’s feet.  We need to be servants.

In addition, please join together with us for Mass.  Fr. Jason is broadcasting his Mass from his Facebook page at 6:00 pm.  Please try to come.

If you can’t make Fr. Jason’s at 6:00, please try to make Mass at the Basilica at 7:00.  You will find the link on the website of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in NYC.

Holy Thursday is always the day when the mission gears up, when the Cavalry arrives, as I like to call our teen mission team.  Let’s gear it up, everyone!  The Triduum is upon us!  Let’s lock arms and head towards the Cross, towards that point of light ahead.  The Lord is there. 

A Missionary



Steve Auth serves as chief investment officer of Federated Global Equities and has led New York City street missions for ten years at Old St. Patricks in SoHo and across the city. 


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