Mission in the Cloud. Today we challenge you with a “Trifecta”. After, this is the last day of Holy Week!
Challenge 1: Spend some time in prayer reflecting on all you’ve learned about yourself over this week. On the streets of SoHo, the missionaries like to call Holy Saturday “Last Chance Saturday.” That may sound a little grim, but we’ll do anything, short of a sin, to convince a soul we’ve been talking to all week, who’s response so far has been “tomorrow”, that tomorrow is now today. On Easter Sunday, reconciliation is nearly impossible to get, at least in New York City, so Holy Saturday is our last chance to get a final spiritual cleanup before Easter. And there is nothing like Easter Sunday when you’ve just been to reconciliation! You really feel you are part of the reconciliation.
If you’re like me, it’s been one heavier in prayer, and lighter in apostolic action, than many of us missionaries have been used to at Holy Week. Some of what we’ve learned isn’t what we wanted too hear; little habits and misdeamnors, which if you will went unnoticed under our radars when the spiritual jet was moving at light speed, that we now see. This for me was actually a blessing in itself; look for my blog later today that explores this topic more deeply. But today is a good time to pull it all together into a package, and present the whole picture to the Lord, seeking His forgiveness and the grace to do better. In this spirit, I invite all of you to spend some time in prayer reflecting on all you’ve learned about yourself over this week.
Some local parishes near you may be offering the Sacrament of Reconciliation in drive by form. Please check with your local parish. Ours here in Naples, St. William, is doing so and “the missionary in the back of the church” and I can’t wait to go! In addition to this challenge, we have two others today for you to consider.
Challenge 2. Study the Shroud of Turin. The Shroud is a mystery that no one has ever fully explained. But scientists and priests who have studied it carefully have concluded that if it is an elaborate medieval fabrication designed to appear to be the death shroud of Christ, it is one of the most detailed, incredibly accurate such fabrications ever produced. The image done in negative form, which could only have happened from the inside out. The lack of any signs of ink or other man-made substance that forms the image. The imprint of flowers that bloom only in the Holy Land at the time of year of Christ’s passion and death. The historical references to the Shroud dating back to the early Byzantine era in the 7th century. It goes on….
We’ve asked one of the world’s foremost experts on the Shroud, Fr. Andrew Dalton, LC, to give a special talk for us on the Shroud. The talk will be at 1:00 today and can be viewed on both the Legionaries of Christ and Wall Street Missionary Facebook pages.
Challenge 3: Later today, please try to virtually attend the Easter Vigil Mass with your family. There are many available, including 8:00 pm at the Legionaries of Christ Facebook page and also at 8:00 pm at the beautiful St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral.
In the spirit of “Last Chance Saturday”, I also invite you to catch up on your challenges for Holy week that you may not have gotten to yet. You can find them all at missionaryofwallstreet.com.
Have a blessed and Holy Saturday. Last Chance!
A missionary
April 11, 2020
