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Conservative Casual Friday--Art Reveals the Soul in New Book
Veteran Wall Street investor and Catholic evangelist Stephen Auth turns to New York City's Metropolitan Museum of Art in his latest book, Pilgrimage to the Museum: Man's Search for God Through Art and Time. With incisive analysis of key masterworks across the centuries, he examines how art reflects mankind's changing beliefs about the spiritual world in diverse societies. He will join show host Andrew E. Harrod to discuss how there is more than meets than eye in painting and sculpture. Readers will never view art the same way again.
“Anyone who knows and admires Stephen Auth, as I am happy to say I do, realizes he detects the divine everywhere and in everybody. No surprise that he exudes the Catholic wisdom of sensing the Lord especially in truth, goodness and beauty. Even at the “Met” Stephen observes hints of God in the art that abounds. He’s convinced me!”
Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan
Archbishop of New York
The Auths are right: Art attracts people to faith. Their beautiful new book is the proof. Its artful approach both moves the heart and speaks to the mind, drawing clear inspiration from the Holy Spirit. Those who read this book will find their faith deepened, and for some, it may even begin their faith. May this powerful work inspire many people to engage in the co-creation to which God calls us.
Tim Busch, Founder of Napa Institute, a Catholic Lay Apostolate
Pilgrimage to the Museum provides an extraordinarily coherent and inspiring itinerary through the wealth of works in the Metropolitan Museums of Art. Auth's brilliant "installation" guides the reader with his macro narrative of the wonderful ways in which humanity expresses its longing for the divine, as well as focusing on the unique details of the individual objects. With its friendly (and frequently humorous) conversational style, Pilgrimage to the Museum is a game changer for docents, pilgrims and art lovers everywhere.
Elizabeth Lev
Author, How Catholic Art Saved the Faith
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has said that the art that grows in the church’s womb is a compelling witness to the truth of our faith. In the spirit of these words, Pilgrimage to the Museum invites its reader on a spiritual journey through the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Summoning us to the great masterpieces of the ages, it bids us to find not only an illumination of man’s great longing for God but an invitation to renew our own.
John Garvey
President, Catholic University of America
Auth takes you on a tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art that may rock your soul! His crash course in art history leaves you marveling how in every age God inspires and unleashes beauty through the great artists and their works. Auth invites the uninitiated like me on a journey towards a deeper appreciation of the Met’s masterpieces and challenges us to do a little soul-searching along the way. He and his wife Evelyn have spent forty-plus years strolling the Met's halls which explain why this book is interesting, fun, and spiritually uplifting.
John Towey
Former President, Ave Maria University
“Auth’s tour de force through the famed Metropolitan Museum is an edifying example of why we read – to know that we are not alone.”
“Pilgrimage to the Museum is an enjoyable and moving account of how man has sought solace in both God and art for nearly 5,000 years.”
“Auth’s spiritual and artistic journey through New York’s Metropolitan Museum will be a moving and thoroughly enjoyable tour for people of faith or those simply fans of art.”
Jason De Sena Trennert
CEO, Strategas Group
“A museum is like the soul of a people. It displays the inner struggle and deepest delights. The MET is no different. It contains the highest artistic achievements of the human spirit and reveals the deepest conflicts and questions. Steve and Evelyn artfully guide us through one of the world’s great Museums to tackle one of the most meaningful questions of our existence: humanity’s search for God! Enjoy the journey. You will be better for it!”
“The MET, like the city that houses it, is a crossroads of humanity. So many stories, so many beliefs, so many treasures. Steve and Evelyn, with a combination of artful insight, New York realism and and keen spiritual intuition, guide us into the heart of the collection. From Egypt to Greece and Europe to America, the reader will travel the paths trod by the great artists of the world as they pursue the greatest adventure of the world – humanity’s search for God. Enjoy the journey. You will be better for it!”
Fr. Mark Haydu, Author of Meditations on Vatican Art
In Pilgrimage to the Museum, Stephen Auth leads us on an enthusiastic adventure through art history, giving us eyes to look not just at art but at life. He takes us beyond the canvas, colors, stone and bronze to the existential questions at play in each masterpiece. This is a great resource not only for those who want to visit the Metropolitan Museum in New York, but for anyone who loves art and wants to know and love it more. It will leave you unable to look at art the same way again.
Father Roger J. Landry, Author, Plan of Life: Habits to Help You Grow Closer to God