Steve Auth
2 min read
Path #3: Discernment
So, when we answer the phone, how do we know it is God calling? Only through discernment. And discernment takes silence and prayer. One...
Steve Auth
2 min read
Path #4: The Sacrament of Reconciliation
One fruit of silence and prayer is that the more we work on discerning the will of God for us, the more we begin to see how some of our...
Steve Auth
2 min read
Path #5: Shared Experience with Jesus
Once your prayer life and sacramental life is in order, you’re ready for the next step to the heart of a missionary: shared experience....
Steve Auth
1 min read
Path #6: A Friend for the Journey
When you’re heading out on a mission for the Lord, a very good idea is to bring a friend with you. In the case of The Missionary of Wall...
Steve Auth
2 min read
Path #7: Confident Joy
We Catholics suffer from a serious branding problem. Ask someone to describe what a Catholic is like, and the first response you get...