Steve Auth
2 min read
A Missionary is Born
2017 Holy Week Mission Prelude In today's Gospel from John, "The Woman at the Well", we participate in a scene in which a Samaritan...
Steve Auth
1 min read
"The Sign of the Cross"
2017 Ash Wednesday Prelude Naples, Florida. Beautiful sunny Sunday morning! Warming my bone marrow before heading back to New York! The...
Steve Auth
3 min read
"The Lost Sacrament"
Readers of The Missionary of Wall Street know that for over a decade now, my wife and I have led a street evangelization mission in one...
Steve Auth
2 min read
Path #1: Embrace Suffering
There are surely many paths to the heart of a missionary—prayer, confession, mission itself, friends, perseverance, to name a few. We will e
Steve Auth
2 min read
Path #2: Answering the Phone
To continue the journey we started last week, the second path to the heart of a missionary is what I call “Answering the Phone.” Like...